Error log: Cupa FM Nasaud 2017

Station: YO6PEG/P
Locator: KN25HW
Band: 144 MHz
Category: SOSB - Un singur operator Single Band 2m
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLostPH
YO6PEG/P 59 011 KN25HW YO5VAE/P 59 015 KN27FO (2x)
KN27FH (log)
Y all but WWLr -186 #1
YO6PEG/P 59 012 KN25HW YO5BTM/P (1x)
YO5BMT/P (log)
59 021 KN16SQ NIL Y WWL no log -118 #1
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 1747
Correct claimed score: 1761
Sum of lost points: -304
Corrected score: 1457
Errors: 17.3%

Processed by lx 1.65